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Non Laser Tattoo Removal | OMSPA Permanent Makeup Chicago & Microblading Chicago
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Non Laser Tattoo Removal

   Don’t leave any regrets on your body that can be erased by trained professionals   


Cosmetic saline base tattoo removal is the method of removing permanent cosmetics on the skin by administering sterile salt solution on the tattooed area and drawing out the ink caused by the chloride reaction. This is an effective and safe method of performing saline tattoo removal Chicago using specialized techniques by certified cosmetic artists. We provide affordable laser free tattoo removal Chicago at our spa. Contact us for more details.

Laser tattoo removal is often deemed unsuccessful and painful. This is also more costly than non laser tattoo removal Chicago. Additionally, it leaves unappealing and often protruded scars on the skin. During laser tattoo removal, light is used to disperse the pigment from the tattoo, which then gets flushed out of the body. 

Cosmetic Tattoo Removal

If your skin has pigment you want to remove due to its unfavorable spot, the only method to do it is to break the skin. The affected region can be surgically excised and patched up. The other way is to introduce saline. Saline is a substance that adheres to the molecules of the pigment and peels off during the healing process. Four sessions are required for this method and a maximum of six to seven sessions every two months, enough for the skin pigmentation to disappear. After undergoing this service, there is a high chance of having post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation, a temporary condition that fades over time.


Graphic Tattoo Removal

We can help you remove a whole tattoo, correct a misspelled word, or make your skin look like a blank canvas again. With this method, you no longer have to use cover-ups. It can also be used to remove the tiniest dot without damaging the design surrounding it as well as color elements. Every removal requires around 3 to 6 services that are scheduled every two months. The process for graphic tattoo removal utilizes non-toxic products such as bentonite clay charged with negative molecules as well as charcoal. It will fuse with pigment and negatively charged ink that lifts the color out of the skin to be removed during the healing stage through exfoliation.


Color Modifications or Corrections

In many instances, removal is not necessary. Designs and colors can be changed and adjusted to enhance the appearance of the existing brow. If the client wants reshaping, color correction, or adding dimensions, these are different sessions. After this procedure, the color has to be modified first, and the skin has to heal before the details are added. A client will usually schedule three sessions at least one month apart.

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One Session of LIFT removal

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Tattoo removal for body tattoos and permanent cosmetics.


Tattoos have become a very popular way of permanently modifying our appearance however as time passes, we can come to regret the decision. What seemed like a good idea at the time can cause problems in later life. An unwanted tattoo can lead to psychological distress and cause difficulty in social and work environments.

Om Spa tattoo removal utilizes a specially designed inorganic chemical remover developed by Rejuvi Laboratory California which is applied in the same method as the original tattoo, it's designed to draw the tattoo pigment out of the skin, removing the unwanted tattoo.

Rejuvi tattoo remover can only be applied by an experienced tattoo or micropigmentation artist, it is not suitable for home tattoo removal use, and it is not a DIY fade product. We do also use LIFT- saline solution specially created for removing unwanted, poorly done permanent makeup. This is only one safest procedure to use in removing tattoo eyeliners.


Permanent makeup can be removed on average in around four treatments* however, ink lightening can usually be achieved in a single treatment*. Om Spa tattoo removal is equally effective on all permanent makeup tattoo colors and is effective on both professionally applied and most homemade tattoos.

Tattoo removal Treatments are spaced at 8–10-week intervals and larger tattoos may have to be divided into smaller 5" x 5" sections for subsequent treatment.

For more information on this innovative treatment method please have a look through the site. 


* Number of treatments varies from less to more depending on your circumstances and the condition of the original permanent makeup/tattoo:

How old is the permanent makeup /tattoo? The older, the more skin layers are grown on top over the years, and it will take more time to get ink lightening

How saturated (dark) it is?  The darker and more saturated, the more session might take

Have you ever had any cover-ups?  The more cover-ups the process takes longer to remove each layer




Correct aftercare is vital to achieve the best results from the treatment and to help avoid scarring or post-treatment complications, including the risk of serious infection.

If a dressing is applied, it should be loosely fitted and breathable. Do not leave any dressing in prolonged contact with the treated area, (max 6hrs). If the dressing becomes stuck carefully cut around stuck sections and remove as much dressing as possible. Do not force it off. The treated area should be allowed to air dry, avoid using dressings if possible. If used remove it whenever possible. Avoid treated area rubbing on clothing or other surfaces which may irritate the area.

A thick and tough protective crust will form on the treated area, the crust must be kept dry at all times. When bathing ensures the crust is well protected from water contact and avoid getting it wet. Avoid heavy workouts or excess sweating which may also dampen the crust and lead to infection.

Due to the design and function of the remover the crust keys into the skin extremely hard, do not pick off or attempt to forcibly remove the crust, this will destroy the newly constituting skin and is liable to cause scarring. Allow the crust to naturally peel away for 10-14 days. When the crust begins to lift it may be necessary to cut away the lifting parts to prevent stuck areas from being torn off. In case of the treated area is itching, tap the area lightly to relieve, do not scratch.


Tattoo before treatment.


Tattoo immediately following treatment. Some ink has come to the surface. This will harden into a thick crust. Which should be kept dry.

Tattoo around 1 week after treatment. The crust should be hard and dry and firmly attached to the skin. The crust should also be full of ink.

Tattoo after around 2 weeks following treatment. Crust should still be hard and dry and starting to detach from the skin at the edges. Carefully remove any lifted areas (to avoid snagging) being careful not to pull off firmly attached crust.

After around 3 weeks, crust should have detached leaving skin slightly red. Start applying Rejuvi soothing h cream with firm massage 2-3 times per day. Area can be bathed and treated as per normal. Treated area should be left 8-12 weeks before subsequent treatment.

After a period of months skin should return to normal. Avoid prolonged or harsh sun exposure or sun beds at first and reintroduce slowly (new skin will easily burn).

Below the waist

If the treated area is below the waist, healing may be longer, and weeping may be greater due to higher fluid pressures in the lower body. Elevate the area whenever possible to help the healing process.



Untreated or prolonged infections can do a lot of damage to the healing area and may lead to prolonged healing times and permanent scarring. Untreated or incorrectly treated infections may become potentially serious and could require emergency medical attention. If there are any signs of infection contact your GP immediately.

If the crust fails to dry becomes damp or wet of it's own accord, begins to weep any fluid after 12-24 hours of treatment or after the crust comes away the skin continues to weep any fluids or is discolored (some redness is normal) or has been subject to cracking, picking, impact or abrasion / irritation it is possible that some infection has occurred. In case of infection, consult with your GP to obtain oral anti-biotic tablets as soon as possible. Do not allow medical staff to forcibly remove the crust this will cause excessive trauma to the skin and will result in scarring. The area can be also be dried and sterilized with 2-3% hydrogen peroxide available from some pharmacies. Apply the hydrogen peroxide sparingly only to the affected area at the edges of the crust only, do not apply over the crust itself. 

Allergic Reaction


Allergic reactions to the tattoo remover are very uncommon, however allergic reactions can occur with topical anesthetics if used, aftercare products or balms or even dressings and adhesives. It is recommended all products utilized in the removal process are patch tested prior to use however you may have elected to not have the patch testing performed. Test aftercare products on an untreated area before use.

Allergic reactions will become apparent within a very short time following contact with the irritant product (20 minutes to a few hours, if beyond this time such as days then it is more likely the area has become infected).

If you suffer an allergic reaction (swelling, excessive itching or blistering) contact your technician, it is advisable to take antihistamine or anti allergy remedy (available at pharmacies) or contact your GP. Some slight swelling post treatment is normal and some itchiness in the later stages is a normal part of the healing process, similar to when you suffer from a cut or graze. Hydrocortisone cream may be used on the area once the crust has come away, do not use over the crust. If using aftercare product discontinue use or check for allergic reaction on normal untreated skin.


Once the crust has come away


Once the crust comes away the treated area may be red, raised, dipped or have a pink halo effect around it. These are quite normal effects. The area will slowly return to normal skin over a period of months and these effects should diminish. Use Rejuvi soothing H cream to help the skin healing process and to help prevent scar tissue formation. Should the tattoo require further treatments it is recommended that they are spaced at 8-12 week intervals.

The treated area can be more sensitive to sun exposure for some months after treatment. Use a good sun block and expose the area gradually to the sun avoiding prolonged exposure or exposure to strong UV lights such as sun beds. Once fully healed the area should still tan as normal.


Our saline tattoo removal Chicago is completely safe and effective to apply due to its suitability for all skin types. It poses fewer risks of blistering, discoloration, scarring, and an overall painful and unpleasant appearance on the skin, which can be often seen after laser tattoo removal treatments. 


With our saline tattoo removal Chicago, you can enjoy a natural method that uses organic ingredients to gradually remove pigment from your skin. It can thoroughly remove inks of different colors and give your skin a fresh surface. Our cosmetic tattoo removal Chicago is also applicable for new and old corrections alike. Lastly, this does not disrupt hair growth in any part of your body so your hair can grow naturally even during the treatment sessions. It can also be performed for emergency microblading removal Chicago. We provide detailed consultation for first time clients. Contact us anytime!


Our microblading tattoo removal Chicago is suitable for clients looking into removing tattoos varying from standard, cosmetic, and semi-permanent enhancement on any part of the body. It is ideal for cover up work or enhancement of the previous tattoo done. However, it is not suitable for individuals undergoing blood thinning medication or similar conditions.

For individuals with sensitive skin or chemical allergies, get a saline tattoo removal Chicago at your discretion.

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5910 A West Lawrence Ave, Suite A, 
Chicago, IL 60630



Monday - Friday - 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday -  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Wednesdays, Sundays - Closed





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