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transforming lives
Permanent Makeup Skin Care & Academy
Contraindications, Preparations, and Aftercare for all Tattoo Procedures
GENERAL CONTRAINDICATIONS for ALL types of procedures:
You must be 18 years old +; we do not tattoo with parent /guardian consent.
Pregnancy or if you are trying to conceive under IVF and lactating women (while nursing)
Herpes Zoster in eyes, (on lips treatments might be done after premeditation at least 3 days before treatment and 2 days after)
All blood thinners medications including all-natural/organic blood thinners.
Taking Cortisone, Steroids, Aquitaine, Retin-A, Renova, Aspirin, Pain killers, a blood thinner, being less than 3 weeks after general anesthesia
Keloids and/or hypertrophy scarring,
Tendency to develop post-treatment hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation,
Diabetics and/or any kind of immune system disease,
Blood disorders: Hemophilia
Cancer/chemo or radiotherapy; if you just discovered it and you are going for the treatment soon, please, consult with your doctor and obtain a written note for a cosmetic tattoo,
Active acne on or close to the tatted area,
Any skin diseases, infections, Psoriasis, eczema, non-diagnosed rashes, and blisters. Fresh sunburns and/or after laser skin treatments- wait at least 4 weeks.
Serious heart condition and/or peacemaker,
Allergies to hair dye; If you have allergies to topical makeup, we recommend taking a color patch test at least.
Recently done any kind of surgery, taking prescribed antibiotics or other medications, or being under long-term physician care, including dental work, please, check with your doctor to obtain written consent
Beautifying injections (Botox, fillers) done in less than 4 weeks
Usage of any lash/brows growth serum (discontinue for at least weeks)
GENERAL PRE-CARE instructions for ALL cosmetics tattoos (how to prepare before getting a cosmetic tattoo):
permanent makeup, microblading, scalp micropigmentation, areola, and other tattoo procedures.
You must strictly follow these guidelines to achieve the best micropigmentation results.
*DO NOT CONSUME before in any form:
Alcohol or caffeine, energy drinks at least a full 24 hours before
At least a week before Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin A & and E, fish oil, pain killers, cold or flu medicine, "hair, skin, nail", body detox, power/green shakes, fat burner supplements, turmeric, garlic, Gingko Biloba, spicy food/seasonings, antibiotics, steroids 4 weeks before. All of them cause you bleeding and push away pigment which will result in poor pigment retention=more paid visits.
*IF YOU ARE TAKING OR UNDERGOING any MEDICATIONS, MEDICAL TREATMENTS, PRE/POST SURGERIES, BEAUTIFYING INJECTIONS, LASER TREATMENTS, please CHECK WITH your PHYSICIAN if it is appropriate for you to have a cosmetic tattoo/permanent makeup/microblading.
Please, ask for written clearance that permits you to have a cosmetic tattoo within the upcoming 3 months (PMU usually is a multi-session procedure that requires coming back for touch-ups). Make sure that the note includes a practice/doctor name, address, contact information, and clearly stated release for a cosmetic tattoo procedure. It can be signed on your doctor's form or you can ask for our form to be emailed to you.
We will not perform any PMU procedure if we believe it might compromise your health and safety.
*DISCONTINUE ALL SKINCARE products containing any of those: Glycolic, AHA, BHA, Retin-A, Kojic Acid, and other lighteners or exfoliators, photo- facials and chemical peels should be done ideally 2-4 weeks prior. Check your moisturizer, face wash, BB or CC creams, and makeup primers for anything that says acid (hyaluronic acid is okay).
*AVOID suntan and spray or self-tanning products on the face two weeks before the procedure.
*DO NOT COME with SUN-BURNED or INFLAMED SKIN until you are completely healed! YOUR SKIN MUST BE HEALTHY AND WITHOUT ANY BREAKOUTS, irritations, and cuts.
*We don't tattoo over moles or skin tags. Please have it removed and allow it to heal before scheduling any appointments.
*SOCIAL, SPORTS & VACATION ACTIVITY & MENSTRUAL CYCLE - Try to book your appointment accordingly if possible: during this period you will be more sensitive and prone to bleeding. Right after the procedure and up to the next 5 to 10 days PMU usually looks very dark and heavy. The body can be puffy or swollen, red, etc. It might not be the best idea to have PMU done when you want to look your best for a special event. Over 95% of clients have not found it necessary to take days off from work and normal daily activities to "hide" themselves at home.
General Aftercare Instructions for all Permanent Makeup Procedures
Om SPA, LLC and her independent contractors, and affiliates are properly trained and licensed for their trade and business, but we are not medical professionals, so please, seek medical attention immediately in case of symptoms of infection or allergy; Symptoms of Allergy or infections are: when honey-colored crusting and excessive oozing or spreading redness, if you experience an unusual discomfort or excessive bleeding, excessive redness, swelling, tenderness of procedure site, elevated body temperature, rash or purulent drainage from procedure site or if any other complications develop. If you have any extreme reaction (such as moderate to severe facial swelling, moderate to severe rash, any difficulty breathing, or you are in any distress) call 911 and go to the emergency department. Please note that some redness, swelling, tenderness, oozing, and itching is a normal process of healing. Please read the details below. For any other concerns please contact OM SPA.
Do not use any Retin-A or Glycolic Acids or any acids in any area while healing!
Do not use Peroxide, Bacitracin, or Neosporin on ANY tattooed areas!
Do not use petrolatum-based products on eyelids after the eyeliner procedure.
Do not use sunscreen on the not healed area-this might change your pigment color.
Do not scrub, scratch, or pick treated areas! This can cause scarring and poor pigment retention.
Avoid dirty, dusty environments, for instance, gardening, and touching/sleeping with your pets for 5-7 days.
Do not expose the treated area to sun or tanning beds! If you must be outside, wear a hat and protective sunglasses.
SPF cream can be worn ONLY on a COMPLETELY HEALED permanent cosmetic tattoo; otherwise can drastically change your pigment color.
Avoid facials, heavy exercise causing sweating and/or whirlpools, saunas, swimming, bathing, and soaking the treated area in water (express shower is ok), for at least 5 days or until your body is completely healing! DO NOT CONTACT with salty water at all! It causes poor pigment retention.
Do not dye or tweeze/wax/thread/laser off eyebrows 7 days after the procedure!
If Scalp micro pigmentation is done, do not wash your hair for 7 days and do not dye or/ and bleach your hair for at least 2 weeks; always inform your hairstylist/barber about having scalp micro pigmentation done. Use a baby shampoo or very mild antibacterial soap to quickly rinse your head, but don’t soak the scalp’s skin in the water. You might wear a clean hat or scarf if needed.
Do not wear ANY topical makeup on the area nor do tint your brows /lashes or put fake lashes/brows on for at least 10-14 days after the procedure. Do not wear any wigs or hairpieces too after scalp micro pigmentation or wig’s eyebrows. The chemicals in the tint /or glue can irritate the skin and cause infection.
Afterward, you might gently clean the area with clean, disinfected hands or gauze and mild antibacterial soap with water if needed. No occlusion/bandage is needed on your face permanent makeup or scalp or head scar camouflage. If you did some of the skin corrective color camouflage tattoos on another part of the body than the face, wearing and changing a bandage/ sterile gauze might be required for at least the first 24 hours.
Twice per day apply the provided A+D ointment in extremely small amounts (the size of rice grain) on eyebrows, lips, scalp, scar camouflage, or skin color camouflage area –very thin layer by using a clean/ sterile cotton swab, NO DUBBLE DIPPING! The single tip must be used on EVERY SINGLE area that was tattooed (one for the left eyebrow, second for the second eyebrow, separate for lips). If you tend to cold sore breakouts, usage of preventive medicine over the counter will protect you (if you were properly pre-medicated before the lip procedure nothing should happen).
Do not put any ointment on your eyelids. Avoid anti-aging eye creams.
You can apply some clean ice pack on the treated area every 10-15 minutes per hour for a couple of hours (especially on eyes, wrapped in cleaned or clean gauze). This will minimize swelling. NEVER reuse the same ice pack on other tattooed areas (lips then eyes then over brows).
Darker skin (Fitzpatrick 4-6) may or may not hyperpigment (turn 2-3 shades darker) during healing. This effect may take 6-8 weeks to develop if it occurs. Please wait 6-8 weeks between appointments even if the brows appear to be too light or even disappear! They can initially appear light and then turn darker/reappear during healing. Darker colors may be used at follow-up if hyperpigmentation does not occur.
Your permanent cosmetic tattoo will begin to turn darker immediately and for the next 3-4 days. Within a week color heals much lighter, closer to the original color you had chosen.
It is normal for some people to have pigment scabs or flake off. It is also normal if it does not. Fading or loss of pigment may occur during healing. There should be pigment under the skin where pigment has flaked off. If there is no pigment underneath, you might need a touch-up within 4 to 8 weeks. Over the next 2-3 weeks, the color might lighten up by 30%- 50%. After the initial procedure, the color may be a or two too dark; in six days it will appear too
light. After ten days, the color will show more. It will appear softer when completely healed because the color will come from the dermal layer of the skin to the epidermal layer of the skin.
Pigment may come off on your pillow while you sleep, and might stain linens. Use a clean cover that you won’t mind staining if this happens.
The known possible complications from micropigmentation are: ● redness ● puffiness ● dry patches ● swelling ● bruising and tenderness.
color mismatch, skin discoloration, scarring, poor color retention, and bleed
Pre-Care and Aftercare for Eyebrows
*Electrolysis should not be done for four weeks before and after.
*Do not cover freshly done eyebrows with any makeup (risk of infection). Wait at least 2 weeks!
*SPF can be used Pre-Care four weeks after ( it might cause color change)
*Do not wear waterproof eyebrow makeup on the day of the procedure.
*Do not wash the eyebrows area until scabs fall.
*Do not tweeze, wax, or dye brows for a week prior. Threading is okay, but we prefer to perfect the shape according to the permanent makeup procedure.
Day 1 The eyebrows are approximately 20-25% darker and bolder in width than they will when healed. Your skin is red under the pigment, which causes the color to appear darker. Exfoliation, which begins in a few days, will cause the excess pigment surrounding the eyebrows to flake away and a narrower appearance will result. New skin will heal over the pigmented area and result in a softer appearance of your eyebrows. Don’t be concerned that your eyebrows initially appear darker and heavier in size than you desire. This is part of the process.
Day 2 Color remains the same.
Day 3 Eyebrows start to itch and appear a bit thinker in texture. Exfoliation begins.
Day 4 The skin begins to flake- peeling from the outside edges first.
Day 5 Color finishes flaking off and appears softer and grayer effect for a few days until the color clarifies.
NOTE: If your skin is sun-damaged, thick or uneven in texture, or excessively oily, the result cannot be the same for each person. Scars on the lips from fever blisters cause pigment removal. Medications, smoking, metabolism, facial surgery, age of skin, and lifestyle all contribute to fading. Color refreshers are needed to ensure the best results and to keep your permanent cosmetics looking their best.
Pre-Care and Aftercare for Eyeliner
*Do not wear contact lenses during the procedure or for a week after.
*Bring sunglasses to wear home. Eyes may be light-sensitive.
*Stop using Latisse (or other growth serums) 4 weeks before the eyeliner procedure. You may resume them when your procedure is complete.
*Do not dye or perm lashes for 10 days prior and for 3 weeks after.
*Do not use an eyelash curler on the day of the procedure and for 3 weeks after.
*If you have had any type of eye surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent eyeliner procedure.
*Do not wear waterproof makeup on the day of the procedure. Certain cleansers block pigment and numbing absorption.
*If you wear any kind of lash extensions they need to be removed a week before the procedure and a new one can be filled in three weeks afterward. We suggest you wait until the eyeliner procedure and healing process are fully completed.
* We advise you not to drive/operate any mechanical vehicle after the eyeliner procedure for at least 8 hours.
Day 1 Swollen, like you’ve been crying, heavier eye makeup look.
Day 2 Swollen, usually for a few hours after waking up, still heavy eye makeup look.
Day 3 Less swollen-tight- pigment begins to lift away from the skin.
Day 4 Pinching- some itching is normal- skin will begin to flak. DO NOT pick at it.
Day 5 Blinking movement of the eye usually removes all pigment by this day. The color is somewhat grayish- will take a few days to clarify full color.
Pre and Aftercare For Lips
* If you are prone to cold sores you will need an antiviral prescription. Physicians usually instruct clients to begin taking it 3+ days before the procedure, for a 7-10 day course, and 2+ days after.
* If you have had any type of lip surgery or fillers consult with your doctor about how long you should wait before having a permanent makeup procedure on the lips.
* Prepare dry lips by massaging gently with a soft toothbrush for exfoliation (or you can use a special lip exfoliation) and by using a moisturizing lip balm or natural honey. Dry, cracked lips are more sensitive, tend to bleed more frequently, and do not retain pigments easily.
*You must remove false lashes a week before ( you will be able to put them back as soon as your procedure is completed and fully healed)
*If you wear contact lenses, please remove them before the appointment, and wear eyeglasses
*Lash tint and lift can be done at least 7 days before appointment
*Do not wear waterproof mascara on that day; you might have regular makeup (avoid that if it is not necessary)
*If you have an eye infection, unknown redness, or skin tag on the eyelids - consult a doctor treated condition first
*If you EVER had a cold sore breakout (Herpes Zoster virus), even one time in your life, you must be on medication at least 3 days before and 2 days after or follow physician guidance
*Make sure to keep moisturizing lips for at least a few days before; you might also do a DIY home scrub for dry lips to smooth out the surface
(a sugar with honey or a damp, soft toothbrush). Ink won't stay on dry and cracked lips!
Day 1 Swelling, tender, heavy, thick lipstick look – reddish brick color effect.
Day 2 Slight swelling, reddish, tender, slightly metallic flavor.
Day 3 Less swelling, thicker texture, sore hot feeling before exfoliation. “Orange” color.
Day 4 Exfoliation – very chapped lips
Day 5 Very chapped but almost finished with 1st chapping stage.
Day 6 See, soft, rich color.
Day 7 Lip color disappears – “frosty” stage begins (2nd chapping stage), a whitish, grayish haze on lips. Color “blooms” from within more and more each day until day 21. This is when the color you see is the color you have. However, lips remain a bit dry for a month or two. Use a good lip balm with SPF and they will return to normal but with color.
Pre and Aftercare for Scalp Hair Micropigmentation:
* Hair Piece – Please do not wear a hairpiece at least 5 - 7 days before your scheduled procedure. Wearing a hairpiece may limit oxygen flow to the scalp and the ink may not be fully absorbed into the follicle. Also, avoid any paste or fibers for 2 to 3 days if possible.
* Hair Length – Please contact your artist before the procedure to discuss proper hair length on the day of the scheduled procedure. In the majority of cases, we request a buzzed look (around 1 or 2 days of hair growth)
* Skin/Hair Preparation – Please do not use a razor on your scalp within 24 hours of the scheduled procedure. We must see all native hair to properly blend the hair follicles.
* You might dye your hair color a week before and after as soon as it is completely healed. For all blonds, adjusting color to slightly or even darker color might be necessary
* After washing the scalp, moisturize the skin with some form of gentle skin moisturizer (Aquaphor, Nivea, Cethapil, etc.) to keep the skin hydrated. Doing so will allow the ink to be properly absorbed. Do not use ointment on the procedure day!
* Refrain from the sun, and booth tanning to avoid skin burned and peeling at least for 3 to 4 weeks
* If you are extremely sensitive to pain, seek medical advice before the procedure.
* Focus on relaxing and get a good night’s rest before your procedure.
* If you have any scalp medical condition a physician help first
* Eat a hearty meal before your procedure
* You may bring a clean hat or scarf to loosely cover your head after the treatment if so desired, but not recommended
A healthy scalp is a must to achieve the best, long-lasting results.
Scalp Micropigmentation, Beard Micropigmentation, Head Scar Camouflage Aftercare
Day 1-3 Pigment appears much darker than expected. You are going to lose about 30% or more of it within the first 5 to 7 days. The skin on the scalp is red and tender. How long the redness will last, depends on your skin sensitivity; for some clients can be only a few hours, and for others a few days. You might wear a hat or clean scarf daily.
Day 3 You might start experiencing some itchiness and increased scalp dryness due to healing. DO NOT scratch! Do not pick any freshly formed scabs.
Day 4-5 The redness and tenderness should be gone depending on your skin sensitivity; you still might experience excessive scalp dryness and cracking skin. Your scalp will form tiny scabs like a dandruff size, and they start to flake off slowly. Do not pick or remove or exfoliate. Let them fall off by themselves. If you haven’t noticed any skin flaking, that’s ok too).
Day 5 Pigment is shading a lot, showing much lighter results than right after the procedure. Also, it is possible to notice lighter and darker patches.
Day 6-14 your scalp’s skin keeps peeling a little bit; however, most of the dry skin along with some of the pigment should be gone.
Day 10 (14 days is even better) you can regularly wash your scalp with baby shampoo.
Day 20-30 You can now come back to the facility to complete your next scalp micro-pigmentation session.
After 30 days you might color /bleach your hair again (but avoid coloring hair a day before your treatment)
* Do not use any SPF until the scalp is not healed, and all sessions are completed; it can be used 4 weeks after the last session. * Do NOT USE any antibiotic ointment from over the counter (no Neosporin, Bacitracin, etc.)
* Do not let your head for at least 6 days minimum, (10 days is even better!), however express rinse (3 seconds) with foamy antibacterial soap or gentle wiping (“butterfly touch”) with a damp cloth if it’s okay, then pat dry with a clean paper towel or soft nose tissue. Do not sweat, saunas, direct showers on the head, sun exposure, UVA/UVB tanning bad, spray or self-tanning for 30 days after each procedure
*Apply given A+D ointment on the treated area with a very thin layer (the size of a pea) twice per day. Use clean, sanitized hands or cotton gauze or cotton swabs for the application. Do not touch with dirty hands!
*Do not use any exfoliating products. Do not shave your head in the treated area for at least a week if possible. If it is a must, try to omit freshly done areas and focus on the standings.
*Do not dye or bleach your hair for at least 30 days. Inform your hairstylist you have the SMP procedure done.
*Always inform your MRI tech about having the procedure done.
*Do not use any kabuki powder, hair pieces, wigs, hair extensions, etc. throughout the entire SMP process.
*If you are a blood donor, you may not give blood for 1 year following your Hair micropigmentation tattoo
application (per Red Cross).
*Touch-up visits should be scheduled between 30-45 days post-procedure. All
procedures are a multisession process. Results are not determined until the touch-up application is
Preparation and Aftercare for Stretchmarks, Scars, Skin Camouflage
Please, email pictures first for pre- qualification and estimate to We'll get back to you with details about your treatment
Scars and stretchmarks must be mature, usually they must be at least 1 year old, ideally 2 years old, and can not be pinkish/reddish (indicates that the body is still healing). Scar(s) can not be keloids nor tend to form keloids
Vitiligo must be stable and under physician control,
Skin must be healthy, no rashes, open wounds, breakouts
All body piercing jewelry must be removed from the tattooed area; also, you can not have camouflage if you've done body piercing recently (wait until will completely healed)
Obtain written consent from your physician(s) before first time 3D nipple areola tattoo, Vitiligo camouflage or birthmark
Exfoliate a week before to get rid of any dead skin cells on your body.
Shave the area a day before. If you prefer to wax it, do it at least 3 days before. NO laser treatments!
No bed, sun, or spray tanning whatsoever!
No alcohol or caffeine at least 24 hours before. Avoid green smoothie /detox and natural blood thinners (garlic, turmeric, cayenne pepper, any spicy food, and seasonings), omega fatty acids, fish oil, and vitamins 14 days before your appointment. If you are taking aspirin or any other medication your doctor before treatment; asks if can you stop taking them for a few days before the procedure.
Wear loose, dark clothes the day of the appointment, the areas treated will be slightly tender, so soft cotton or other natural soft fabric is the best (avoid polyester clothing and other fake fibers)
Please eat a healthy, well-balanced meal before we meet and drink lots of water
No lotion, oils, or sweat on the skin on that day!
You CAN NOT be on any antibiotics or painkillers 20 days before treatment and 40 days after treatment
Weightlifting and strenuous exercise should be avoided at least 2 days before your session. Putting strain on your muscles can cause swelling and soreness which may heighten the sensation of the tattoo and increase healing time. It can also cause your skin to stretch slightly, possibly resulting in your tattoo being distorted when it returns to normal.
Just a reminder: pain receptors are heightened if you're menstruating so, please plan accordingly for procedure dates to avoid added discomfort.
Do not undergo a magnetic resonance test within 50 days of your tattoo session; always keep the operator informed of your tattoo
What’s Normal after Skin, Stretchmarks Camouflage or Inkless reduction:
Scars intend to flare up
Swelling, itching, scabbing, light bruising, and dry tightness one week after the procedure.
Stretchmarks will get dark and might have an uneven appearance before getting back to normal
Color change or color loss. As the stretch mark area heals, the ink may turn red, pink, brown, or purple. This is normal!
The procedure area must be completely healed before we can address any concerns. This takes at least two months (or 45-60 days) but could take longer depending on your skin.
Failure to follow aftercare instructions may result in infections, pigment loss, or discoloration.
Please note that 50% of treatment success depends on the following care instructions. Your participation is not only desirable but necessary! In case of non-compliance, inflammation, scars, and blemishes.
DO NOT work out or excessive sweat for 10 days
DO NOT WET THE AREA (use food plastic foil or Tegaderm band-aid to cover the area while showering, and gently remove it right after. Make sure not to pull ink with foil).
DO NOT SWIM, SOAK in hot tubs, NO SAUNAS for a minimum of 40 days
Do not sunbathe or have direct sun exposure in areas for 40 days. DO NOT USE ANY SUNSCREEN for that time. Your body must be completely healed
Do not scrub, rub, or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, you will compromise pigment retention, and cause skin discoloration and scarring.
DO NOT EXFOLIATE BODY or DO NOT USE rough body wash brushes, washcloths
1st 40 days, stretchmark/scars will be dark, please don’t panic.
First 3 days: put a cold compress on the areas 3x daily for 10 minutes or as needed to reduce swelling. You might also apply AD ointment or Aquaphor 2 to 3 times per day in a very thin layer or apply Bepanthen First Aid Antiseptic Cream for the very first 3 days, 3 times daily to reduce inflammation.
After 3 Days: Keep applying one of the ointments: Mederma Advanced Scar Gel 1 time per day
Nipple Areola Preparation and Aftercare
Over the next 14 to 21 days your tattooed area will go through three stages of healing:
1. Heal: The body’s natural defenses will create fine scabs to protect the area whilst healing.
2. Peel: After a few days (usually in between 3rd to 5th), when the tattooed area is healed, the scabs will fall off. Do Not Pick off the scabs from the treated area as this will result in pigment loss.
3. Fade: Once the scabs have finally healed and fallen off the tattooed area, you will see a lighter shade of the implanted color.
After 4 to 6 weeks will be the color of your nipple and areola. You may have further tattooing to add more color, which will be discussed at your follow-up appointment with the artist.
What should you expect after the procedure?
The dressing applied immediately after tattooing should remain in place for at least a day/24has the areola area may continue bleeding. This dressing should not be allowed to get wet as this may affect the result of pigment loss.
After your treatment, you may experience slight swelling and redness and your skin may feel ‘tight’ and very tender. To ease discomfort, you may take over-the-counter painkillers (ask the pharmacist or your physician for a recommendation). If you have any concerns about pain, please speak to your doctor.
The above symptoms should subside within up to7 days, depending on your skin’s sensitivity. Aftercare instructions must be carefully followed for 14 days after your tattoo to ensure a successful result and to reduce the risk of infection.
The next day you can have a shower or bath; do not use soap or soak the pigmented area with water/steam. Keep the pigmented area clean and dry. Apply oft AD ointment or Mederma cream over the nipple and areola area and place nonstick gauze (or regular big-sized band-aids) in your bra or cover nipples/areolas and secure with medical tape to aid comfort. Be aware of the necessity of gently changing those occlusions since they can stick to your skin anyway and rapid pull can cause skin/scab removal = more pigment loss and a risk of developing a scar.
You might keep wearing band-aids/gauzes daily whenever you are outside of the house but at the house, you might remove them and let the body breathe, and wear only a clean, very soft T-shirt if possible.
Do not sleep on your stomach. To prevent infection, try not to touch the pigmented area with your fingers until it is completely healed (about 3 to 3 weeks.
Wear sterile gauze for 30-60 minutes after the procedure then remove it.
Keep the area away from water for at least 72 hours. If needed, wash quickly and gently with antibacterial soap, but do not soak or just use a damp washcloth or water-based baby wipe with antibacterial soap, then wipe again with a damp/water washcloth.
Keep moist by applying an extremely thin coat of A&D ointment once to twice per day for 5 days; every time use a clean cotton swab. NO DOUBLE DIPPING.
No vigorous exercise for at least 5 days. You can wear sterile, breathable gauze over the treated area if this makes the skin less irritated from clothes throughout the day but remove it for the night; gauze must be changed daily.
DO NOT use regular body lotion, baby oil Bacitracin or Neosporin, or any SPF until completely healed –about 14 days.
Do not apply any topical makeup to cover up the redness, no swimming, spray tanning, or sun/bed exposure for 30 days.Don’t use any alcohol for cleanup /disinfection nor none of the over-the-counter antibiotic ointments (Neosporin, Bacitracin-they can cause an allergic reaction and pigment color change/loss)
Stay away from sweating, saunas, pools, exercise, direct sun, spray tanning and self-tanning products, beaches, and dirty/dusty places.
Day 1-3 Pigment appears 30-50% darker than expected. You are going to lose it within 7 days. The skin on the treated area is red, irritated, and tender. The redness can last up to 3 days.
Day 3 You might start experiencing some itchiness and increased skin dryness. Do not scratch; if it is very hard not to do so, just pat gently. Do not pick scabs!
Day 4-5 The redness and tenderness should be gone; however, the skin might still be dry or start cracking and flaking off slowly. Do not pick remove or exfoliate.
Day 5 Skin with pigment might be shedding a lot or not at all, showing much lighter results than right after the procedure.
Day 6-7 Your treated area skin still can keep peeling off a little bit; however, most of the pigment should be gone. You can now come back to the facility to complete your next appointment within 30-60 days.
NOTE: Permanent makeup procedures are affected by the canvas (your skin) that they are performed on. If your skin is sun-damaged (even from tanning beds), thick and uneven in texture, or excessively dry or oily the result cannot be expected to be perfect after the initial procedure. Scars cannot hold on to pigment well or sometimes might reject pigment at all. Lifestyle, medications, smoking, metabolism, surgery, and skin age all contribute to pigment fading. At least one or two follow-ups are needed 30 to 60 days after your initial procedure to ensure the best results and to keep your permanent cosmetics looking the best. A color refresher session might be needed after a few years. As outlined in this pamphlet, your procedure maintenance is very important. To fail with a post-treatment, follow–up visit might result in low quality and longevity of your permanent cosmetic tattoo.